Saturday, March 17, 2012

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Happy St. Patty's Day! Do you have any special plans? Well, we did. Until Wednesday. When we found out, Lauren had to dance. It was a last minute thing. So it put a wrench in our plans. But that's OK. We all enjoy, watching her. She's seriously, the cutest little dancer, that I've ever seen! :)

We are starting our day with green pancakes. Yum! Billy has actually, just headed down to the kitchen. And our kiddos, are all half asleep. Just climbed into Mommy and Daddy's bed, for Saturday morning cartoons. How else, would you start St. Patty's Day?

After Lauren performs, we're going to my friend's Baby Shower. She expecting her 3rd baby. Her 1st little girl! Talk about an excited lady! :) And we get to see Lola again! She's hosting the shower.

Then the whole "Birthday Party Schedule," sorta fell through. Because of this dance thing. And Spring Break. And my In-Laws can't come. Oh, and the Rodeo next weekend. That means, Sals is going to have her 2 parties next weekend. And I'll have our 2, the following weekend. Gives me a few more days, to finish up my projects!

It's not all bad news. Just a few complcations. But nothing, that we can't deal with. I'd rather postpone, and have my In-Laws here. It wouldn't be the same, without them. And this way, I can help Sals.

My girls and I, are sporting our green nails. And we've all, picked out something green to wear. Billy and Robbie have big plans today. To go help J, with a project. I'm not exactly sure of the details. But it's "Guy Time." That I'm sure, they're all excited about!

I better get going. I have lots of cuddling to do! With my 3 kiddos. Before breakfast is ready. And our day really begins. Happy St. Patty's Day, from our house, to yours!


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